The greeting to a conversation

The greeting to a conversation

a. may be direct or indirect.
b. must be verbal.
c. provides information about the relationship between the participants.
d. should be positive and upbeat.

Answer: C

GDSS is an initialism for

GDSS is an initialism for 

a. group decision support system.
b. guided discussion software system.
c. group development software solution.
d. guided discussion speaker system

Answer: A



a. helps a listener clarify and retain what he/she has heard.
b. is a form of interruption.
c. promotes closure in a conversation.
d. softens the impact of criticism.

Answer: A

Which of the following best describes the responsibilities of an effective small-group leader?

Which of the following best describes the responsibilities of an effective small-group leader?

a. Keep the meeting on schedule, encourage creativity through side conversations, resolve group conflict, and summarize what has been accomplished in the meeting.
b. Keep the meeting on schedule, facilitate group discussion, resolve group conflict, and summarize what has been accomplished in the meeting.
c. Plan the agenda, keep the meeting on schedule, encourage the collective group to determine the purpose of the group, and facilitate group discussion.
d. Plan the agenda, keep the meeting on schedule, encourage creativity through side conversations, and resolve group conflict.

Answer: B

Which of the following have resulted in the increased emphasis on good interpersonal skills?

Which of the following have resulted in the increased emphasis on good interpersonal skills?

a. Cultural diversity, gender equity, technology, and organizational restructuring
b. Cultural diversity, population growth, technology, and organizational restructuring
c. Cultural diversity, globalization, technology, and worker specialization
d. Cultural diversity, globalization, population growth, and technology

Answer: C

Which of the following statements is NOT true of simple bar graphs?

Which of the following statements is NOT true of simple bar graphs?

a. The length of a horizontal bar indicates quantity; the height indicates quantity for a vertical bar.
b. The width of bars may differ throughout the graph.
c. If the width of the bars becomes too narrow, the data should be divided into categories and presented in more than one graph.
d. If you need to depict large amounts in the graph, you may use a broken-bar graph.

Answer: B

Which of the following statements is NOT true of organization charts?

Which of the following statements is NOT true of organization charts?

a. Most organizations place senior positions at the top of the chart.
b. Solid connecting lines show supervisory and direct reporting relationships.
c. An organization chart can depict only an entire organization.
d. Broken or dotted lines depict advisory and collaborative relationships

Answer: C

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

a. Each visual aid should have a purpose.
b. A graph shows relationships between different items or shows trends.
c. A table displays categories of data in an orderly display of columns and rows.
d. Using the chart function of Word makes construction of tables easy.

Answer: D

In a formal business report, a colorful visual aid should

In a formal business report, a colorful visual aid should

a. not be used.
b. be placed at the start of the report to gain the reader's attention.
c. be placed following the reference to the visual aid.
d. be placed in the appendix with the rest of the illustrations

Answer: C

A positive-negative bar graph

A positive-negative bar graph

a. shows plus or minus deviations from a fixed reference point.
b. shows changes over time.
c. shows changes in more than one value at a time.
d. shows comparisons of one part of a variable to other parts

Answer: A

Which of the following statements about resource notes is correct?

Which of the following statements about resource notes is correct?

a. The word Source or Note is followed by a semicolon.
b. The resource note is placed above the illustration.
c. The word Source or Note is followed by a colon.
d. The word Source or Note should be in all uppercase letters.

Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT true of business plans?

Which of the following is NOT true of business plans?

a. The plan is a short, simple document.
b. The plan should be crafted to attract attention, gain interest, build desire, and request specific action.
c. They may be used to gain support for starting or expanding a business.
b. They should reflect the principles of business communication

Answer: A

The best approach for writing a long, complex proposal is

The best approach for writing a long, complex proposal is

a. a team of writers.
b. a team of writers with an individual writer providing coherence.
c. a team of writers with a team of readers giving feedback.
d. an individual writer with a team of readers giving feedback

Answer: B

Which two parts may be combined in some reports?

Which two parts may be combined in some reports?

a. Bibliography and glossary
b. Conclusions and recommendations
c. Letter of authorization and letter of transmittal
d. Procedures and findings

Answer: B

Which of the following methods of getting the receiver to take action would NOT be taken seriously by a receiver of a persuasive message?

Which of the following methods of getting the receiver to take action would NOT be taken seriously by a receiver of a persuasive message?

a. A coupon for a free lunch at Lyla Rae's for completing a customer survey
b. An offer for one month's free cleaning if you sign a one-year contract with the office cleaning service
c. A testimonial claiming you could earn in excess of $50,000 a month with no investment
d. Entry into a drawing for a five-night trip to Las Vegas with all expenses paid

Answer: C

Which of the following is a guide to be used in constructing the action section of persuasive messages?

Which of the following is a guide to be used in constructing the action section of persuasive messages?

a. Avoid giving deadlines; it puts undue pressure on the receiver of the message.
b. Be optimistic that the receiver has read the entire message.
c. Be positive and make taking action easy.
d. Present all the benefits again for the receiver.

Answer: C

Which of the following would require a persuasive message?

Which of the following would require a persuasive message?

a. A letter accepting an invitation to speak at a local high school career day
b. A proposal asking management to launch a wellness program and exercise facility at your place of work
c. A request for an adjustment to a claim filed for an unauthorized substitution of a product on a recent online order
d. A request for information about someone with whom you work

Answer: B

The best opening for an adjustment refusal is

The best opening for an adjustment refusal is

a. I am sorry . . .
b. Your complaint has been received, and. . .
c. We must deny you. . . . .
d. Your letter requesting an adjustment has been received, and . . . .

Answer: D

Of the following, which is the most effective phrasing for the negative information?

Of the following, which is the most effective phrasing for the negative information?

a. I am sorry to refuse your request for a refund for the microwave oven.
b. Our policy does not permit refunds in cases like this.
c. Rather than a refund, we will be glad to provide instruction on operation of the oven.
d. While we realize you are not completely satisfied with the microwave oven, we believe that with additional training you will be satisfied

Answer: C

Which of the following best expresses the reason for using the indirect plan for a negative message?

Which of the following best expresses the reason for using the indirect plan for a negative message?

a. It hides the negative information and takes the receiver's mind off the problem.
b. It enables your receiver to accept the negative information you must give them.
c. It clearly presents the negative information in the opening paragraph.
d. It is a friendlier way of communicating than the direct plan

Answer: B

Which of the following best expresses the negative information in a request refusal letter?

Which of the following best expresses the negative information in a request refusal letter?

a. While the time you wanted is not available, feel free to use the 10 a.m. Saturday time period for your meeting.
b. Therefore, I am sorry that I cannot be of assistance at this time.
c. The facility scheduling calendar permits your use of the 10 a.m. Saturday time period for your meeting.
d. The best I can do, however, is to offer you the 10 a.m. Saturday time slot.

Answer: C

Peter Wently encouraged his friend Silas to contact ABC Promotions to inquire about the cost of a specialty calendar to send clients at the end of the year. In the opening to his message, Silas should:

Peter Wently encouraged his friend Silas to contact ABC Promotions to inquire about the cost of a specialty calendar to send clients at the end of the year. In the opening to his message, Silas should:

a. describe the nature of his business.
b. explain why he wants to give his clients an end-of-year gift.
c. mention Peter as the person from he learned about ABC Promotions.
d. say he needs information about a specialty calendar

Answer: D

The correct order for the parts of a direct plan message is

The correct order for the parts of a direct plan message is

a. explanation, solution, sales appeal, and friendly close.
b. explanation, sales appeal, persuasion, and friendly close.
c. opening, explanation, sales appeal, and friendly close.
d. opening, sales appeal, explanation, and friendly close.

Answer: C

The mailing address on an envelope should be

The mailing address on an envelope should be

a. double spaced.
b. identical to the inside address of the letter.
c. keyed in italic type to resemble handwriting.
d. keyed in uppercase letters.

Answer: B

The inside address of a letter is keyed

The inside address of a letter is keyed

a. at least 2 inches beneath the date
b. at the center of the page in the modified block letter style.
c. at the left margin.
d. two inches form the top edge of the paper

Answer: C